Editorials · Sorted by Date
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- Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): a Niche Market in SE Asia≈ Michel BuronThis article looks at the opportunity to develop a centralized treatment plant for POPs in South-East Asia.
- Urban Growth Management Addresses Urban Challenges and Contributes in Urban Sustainability≈ Syed Masiur RahmanThis article looks at the challenges in managing urban growth and environmental problems to ensure sustainability of urban development.
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Offshore Oil or Gas Sector Development≈ Syed Masiur RahmanThis paper looks at strategic considerations, appropriate regulatory frameworks and cooperation among involved jurisdictions in oil and gas development projects.
- Inadequacy of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Bangladesh≈ Syed Masiur Rahman and Yusuf Adedoyin AinaThis paper promotes the enhancement of the EIA system by improving the level of public participation and inaugurating a more effective EIA legislation.
- External Steam Agitation (ESA) Macerates Existing Technologies≈ Glenn D. ReynoldsThis article introduces a new technology specifically designed for the treatment and destruction of liquid and solid infectious waste.
- Prospect of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Developing Nations≈ Syed Masiur RahmanThis paper looks at the role of SEA in evaluating and anticipating the consequences of decisions taken before the project stage.
- Site Produced Cellular Lightweight Concrete – a Boon for Housing≈ G.B. SinghThis article outlines the technical, environmental and economical benefits of utilizing Fly Ash in building construction.
- Mobile Waste Treatment Systems – Worthwhile?≈ Hans ValeriusThis article describes the advantages of hiring mobile treatment devices equipped with a decanter for on-site sludge treatment.
- The Use of Biotechnology to Improve Agriculture≈ Farzana PanhwarThis paper identifies suitable crops and outlines measures to boost agricultural output and bring sustainable development to the country.
- Management of Fly Ash, in the Context of its Growing Production≈ P.C. Mishra and Dr. R.K. PatelThis paper looks at the utilization of Fly Ash from thermal power plants in a variety of building materials.
- The Role of Nitrogen Fertiliser in Agriculture≈ Farzana PanhwarThis paper describes the effects of nitrogen in soil and plants, and explains the nitrogen content and form in common fertilizers.
- Fungal Biodegradation of Dyehouse Effluent and Kinetic Modeling≈ N. Rajamohan and C. KarthikeyanThis paper focuses on the feasibility of biodegradation of dye house effluent and evaluates the kinetic parameters.
- Environmental Pollution in Sindh, Pakistan≈ Farzana PanhwarThis paper looks at pollution problems in the densly populated province of Sindh, and identifies improved education as a means to control negative impacts on the ecosystem.
- Conversion of „assumed“ Waste into Profits≈ Hans ValeriusThis article describes opportunities to minimize waste disposal while utilizing waste materials from food processing.
- Municipal Solid Waste Management through Anaecic Earthworm≈ G. Kumar, S.Ganesan, R. Kandasamy, R. Balasubramani, P. RaoThis paper focuses on the usage of anaecic earthworm in biosolid management and pinpoints its role in bacterial destruction.
- Adsorption of Methylene Blue onto pithophora sp≈ K. Vasanth Kumar, S. Sivanesan, V. RamamurthiThis paper outlines biosorption experiments carried out in batch process for the removal of methylene from its aqueous solution using pithophora sp, a fresh water algae as an adsorbent.
- Ecological Engineering for Effluent Recycling through Intensive Silviculture≈ Chris S. PapadopolEditorial on using forest plantations as efficient effluent recyclers with software controlled irrigation based on real-time data about atmospheric conditions and nutrient requirements
- Electrocoagulation (EC) – Science and Applications≈ Abe BeaglesThis paper outlines the Harness Targeted Electric Water Fusion Technology or Electrocoagulation, a promising process to provide clean water through reuse of wastewater.
- Silent Roads for Cost Effective Noise Reduction≈ Wim van KeulenThis paper looks at the application of low noise road surfaces as a cost-effective alternative to sound barriers for reducing traffic noise.
- Advanced Networking or Sustainable Fragmentation≈ Pieter A. ParmentierThis paper describes advanced networking using fingerprinting and internet technology, enabling multilingual sharing of knowledge and intellectual resources.
- GAC Sorption Process: Problems and Solutions≈ K. Vasanth Kumar, K. Subanandam, V. Ramamurthi, S. SivanesanThis paper outlines theory and mechanism associated with sorption process, identifies problems with its kinetics steps and provides a solution chart.
- Decision Criteria for Sludge Handling Devices≈ Hans ValeriusThis paper looks at filtration and separation devices available for sludge treatment, comparing Decanter Centrifuge, Belt and Filter Press
- First-Flush Device Comparisons: Constant-Volume Containers vs. First-Flush Valves≈ Kenneth VidacovichThis article compares various advantages and disadvantages of the two most popular, and generally used, first-flush device types.
- Environmental Concern in National and International Planning≈ Ravindra KhaiwalEnvironmental problems are complex and interrelated, not bound to a specific region or nation; they must be addressed in a collective way by all nations.
- Recycling Water-Based Cleaners – Myth or Reality?≈ Raymond J. Graffia, Jr.This article describes a multiple-pass cross-flow membrane system for recycling aqueous cleaners used in industrial washing operations.
- Solid Liquid Adsorption for Wastewater Treatment: Principle Design and Operation≈ K. Vasanth Kumar, K. Subanandam, V. Ramamurthi, S. SivanesanThis paper outlines various models of the sorption process, explains available calculation methods, and looks at different concepts for designing adsorption columns.
- The New Challenge: Stressing the Physiognomy of the Environment Using Renewable Energies and Co-Generation Installations≈ Eva Michalena and Joseph StefanouThis paper looks at ways to maintain and promote the physiognomy of areas and at the same time efficiently utilize the potential of its renewable energy sources.
- The Role of Environmental Technology in Developing, Maintaining, and Protecting Ground-Water Supplies≈ Michael D. CampbellThis paper is discussing the future directions of technology in the ground-water industry.
- How to Convert Salt Water to Pure Drinking Water Using Solar Power≈ Oliver KopschThis article describes how a simple solution could help to reduce potable water shortages arround the world.
- Microgas Washing, a Sophisticated Method to Clean Contaminated Exhaust≈ Hans ValeriusThis paper outlines a cost-effective method for cleaning industrial emissions, based on exhaust gas transformation from gaseous phase to liquid phase.
- Is Environment a Prestige, an Obligation or a Belief ?≈ Rachid RahimThis article looks at the concepts and the driving forces behind an environmental thinking or behaviour and what are the principles that should be taken as a base for any kind of working and activating for a sustainable development of societies.
- Multifunctional Floculant Powders: New Application Fields on Wastewater≈ Federico RivaltaThis paper outlines a technological advancement of the classical sedimentation plant by employing custom formulations of multifunctional flocculants powders (MFP) in wastewater depuration.
- Trends and Technologies for Hazardous Waste Combustion in Asia≈ Michel BuronThe use of sophisticated and expensive flue gas treatment systems are now a requirement and makes small on site incineration less economical. Industrial furnaces burn waste to substitute fuel, resulting in lower disposal costs and a reduction in illegal dumping of waste.
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