Water Filtration
- Karma Water Purification Systems LtdCyprusWater Purification and Disinfection Systems, Water Softener, Filtration Systems, RO Units, Water Saving Faucets etc.
- Kazanci Çevre TeknigiTurkeyWater Treatment, Bacterial and Microbial Cleaning Products, Odor Control Chemicals and Systems, Wastewater Treatment
- Kazancioglu Mühendislik Ltd StiTurkeyDomestic & Industrial Packaged Wastewater Treatment Plants, Solid Waste Incinerators, Oil Separators, Lift Stations
- Kelvin Water Technologies Pvt Ltd (KWTPL)IndiaManufacturers & Suppliers of all kind of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants, Chemicals, Spares and Services
- Kent RO Systems LtdIndiaManufacturer of RO Water Purifiers, UV Water Purifiers, Gravity Water Purifiers, Water Softener, HEPA Air Purifiers
- Kent RO Systems LtdIndiaManufacturer of RO Water Purifiers, UV Water Purifiers, Gravity Water Purifiers, Water Softener, HEPA Air Purifiers
- Keylife TextileChinaFilter Fabrics for Solid-liquid Separation, Such As Sludge Dewatering in Municipal and Mining, Sludge Drying
- KFilter Manufacturing FactoryQatarManufacturers of Air and Liquid Filters, Dust Collectors Filter, Strainer, Oil Mist Eliminators, Oil Seprators
- Kimre, Inc.United StatesMist Eliminators, Tower Packing, Crossflow Scrubbers, Fiber Bed Filters, Cooling Tower Drift Eliminators, Liquid Coalescers
- Kinetico IncorporatedUnited StatesWater Softeners, Scale Reduction & Dechlorination Systems, RO Drinking Water Systems, Carbon & Iron Filters, Backwashing Filters
- Kingspan Water & EnergyUnited KingdomDomestic & Commercial Sewage Treatment Plants, Septic & Storage Tanks, Rainwater Harvesting, Oil & Grease Separators, Reed Beds
- Kirton Water Treatment Services LtdUnited KingdomVehicle Wash Reclaim, Industrial Water Processing & Treatment, Drinking Water, Seawater Desalination, Service & Maintentance
- Kitz CorporationJapanManufactures Valves & Fittings used in Fluid Control, Heating / Cooling & Sanitation, and Water Purifiers & Industrial Filters
- Kontek Ecology Systems Inc.CanadaProcess Water Mgmt, Wastewater Recovery & Reuse, Raw Water Purification & Deionization, Solids Dewatering, Evaporation & ZLD
- Korgen Tech SystemsIndiaDesign, Supply and Erection of Water Treatment Plants and Sewage Treatment Plants
- KuelWaterUnited StatesSystem Design, Consulting, and Education for the Advancement of Sustainable Water Management Practices and Rainwater Harvesting
- KWI International Environmental Treatment GmbHAustriaProprietary DAF Technology for Potable Water Treatment, Biological Treatment and Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Recycling
- KWR Water Research InstituteNetherlandsDutch Research and Knowledge Institute for Drinking Water, Wastewater and Related Ecological and Environmental Aspects
- La Plantation BemasoandroMadagascarUsing Vetiver Grass Technology for: Erosion and Sediments Control, Revegetation, Phytoremediation, Soil and Water Conservation
- Lakos Filtration SolutionsUnited StatesWater and other Liquid Filtration Products for Heat Transfer/HVAC, Industrial and Groundwater Markets
- Landustrie Sneek BVNetherlandsMechanical Equipment for Waste and Sewage Water Treatment Plants - Archimedian Screw Pumps, Aerators, Screen Cleaners
- Latham International LtdUnited KingdomFilter Presses, Decanter Centrifuges, Effluent Treatment Systems, Filter Plates, Filter Cloths, Ram Pumps & Spares
- Layne, a Granite CompanyUnited StatesRadial Collector Wells, Surface Water Intakes, Infiltration Galleries, Riverbank Filtration and Sea Water Systems
- Lenntech Water Treatment BVNetherlandsWater Treatment, Desalination, Filtration, Disinfection, Wastewater Recycling, Reverse Osmosis Membranes, Filters
- Lenzing AGAustriaAutomatic Backwash Filters, Cake Filtration, Precoat Filtration, Filterhousings, Filterelements, Filterbags
- Life IonizersUnited StatesWater Filtration Systems to Purify Tap Water Using Advanced Water Ionization Technology
- LiqTech Ceramics A/SDenmarkHigh-Performance Silicon Carbide Ceramic Membrane Products for Purification of Liquids & Gasses, and Diesel Particulate Filters
- Liquid Filtration Systems BVNetherlandsFilter Cartridges, Filter Bags, Multi Cartridge and Bag Housings in Polypropylene, PVDF, Stainless Steel, Storage Tanks
- Livingcare Co LtdKoreaTankless Hot/Cold Water Purifier, Low Power High Efficiency with Thermoelectric Module, Hydrogen Fuel Cells Inspection Equipment
- LuxaquaFranceProvides Technology & Consulting Engineering Design Services to Public Aquarium, Research Institutes & Land Based Aquaculture
- M.W. Watermark, LLCUnited StatesOffer a Complete Line of Filter Presses, Sludge Dryers, and Clarifiers
- Machine Sazi Vijeh Co (MSV)IranEPC Contractor, Infrastructure Projects, Water Supply Facilities, Wastewater Treatment Plants, Dams & Hydroelectric Power Plants
- Mafco Aqua Research (DY)BangladeshReverse Osmosis & Ultraviolet Water Purification for Drinking Water, De-Mineralize & De-Ionize Equipment, Water Treatment Plants
- Makro Cevre Koruma ve Endüstri Tesisleri San ve Tic Ltd StiTurkeyWater and Wastewater Treatment Plants and Equipment, Design Engineering, Manufacturing, Erection
- Manisha EN Carbon Pvt LtdSri LankaManufacturer and Supplier of Coconut Based Actitvated Carbon Products
- Mann+Hummel GmbHGermanyAir Cleaners & Intake Systems, Industrial Filters, Fine Dust Eater, Indoor Air Quality, Liquid Filters, Membrane Filtration, MBR
- Markert Italia SrlItalyManufacturer of Filters, Hoses and Couplings, Air Diffusion Ducts, Technical Fabrics for Industrial Applications
- Marlo, Inc.United StatesMedia Filters, Water Softeners, Dealkalizers, Deionizers, Condensate Polishers and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems
- Masar Technologies, Inc.United StatesMembrane Desalination Technologies/Processes Consulting, Fouling Detection, Performance Optimization, Troubleshooting, Training
- Matala Water Technology Co LtdTaiwanProduce Filtration Media and Equipments for Wastewater, Aquaculture, Ponds, Odour Control, Aqua2Use Greywater Treatment
- Matec Industries SpAItalySpecializes in the Design and Development of Wastewater Purification and Filtration Plants, Filter Presses for Slurry Dewatering
- Mativ Holdings, Inc.United StatesAdvanced Technical Materials and Fiber-Based Solutions, for Applications in Filtration to Healthcare and Sustainable Packaging
- Maverick Manufacturing & FiltersUnited StatesManufacturers of Filter Winding Machinery to Produce Filter Cartridges used in all Aspects of Liquid Filtration
- MAXOXY - Yanus Dis TicaretTurkeyPipe Repair & Connect Equipment, Disc & Tube Diffuser, Membranes, Valves, Strainers, Water & Heat Meters, Aerators, Mixer
- Meckow International LtdUnited KingdomThe Meckow Aquapur Water Purification System, Produces Safe Drinking Water from almost any Non-Saline Source without Electricity
- Mediterranean Eco Negoce (MEN)TunisiaWater Treatment, Softeners, RO, Dosing Pumps, Solenoid Valves, Filtration, UV Disinfection
- Mega ASCzech Republicroduction of Ion-Exchange Membranes, Electrodialysis, Electrodeionization, Demineralization, ZLD, Water Re-Use, Water Purific.
- Membrane Group India Pvt LtdIndiaReverse Osmosis, Ultra Filtration, Condensate Evaporation, ZLD, Effluent & Sewage Treatment Plants, Dissolved Air Flotation
- Membrane SolutionsChinaProvider of Micro Porous Membrane Products, PES Membranes, PES Cartridge Filters, Glass Fiber Filters
- Memos Membranes Modules Systems GmbHGermanyTubular Membrane and Module Products for Crossflow Filtration and Membrane Bioreactors
Listings A2-AM | AM-AQ | AQ-BI | BI-CH | CI-DO | DR-EN | EN-FL | FL-GU | GU-HY | HY-KA | KA-ME | ME-NO | NO-PR | PR-RU | RU-SI | SI-TE | TE-W. | WA-WE | WE-ZW Total 932 Entries