- Aster Bio, Inc.United StatesEnvironmental Genomics - Molecular DNA Testing of Environmental Cultures - & Advanced Bioaugmentation Products
- ATB Water GmbHGermanySequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Wastewater Treatment Plants - Domestic, Municipal and Industrial
- ATB Water Systems SrlRomaniaFully Biological SBR Wastewater Treatment Plant Systems for Domestic Wastewater from 4 to 5000 PT
- Athea Laboratories, Inc.United StatesMicrobial Products to Digest Organics in Wastewater & Sludge, to Clean & Deodorize Grease Traps, Prevent Malodorous Conditions
- August ir KoLithuaniaBiological Wastewater Treatment Plants, from Small Domestic Units to Large Urban or Commercial & Industrial Units
- Auric Techno Services Pvt LtdIndiaDynamic Sludge Thickners, Belt Presses, Automatic Fine Screens, Mechanical Screens, MBR Screens, Press Screw Separators
- Aykosan Mühendislik Aritma Ins Mak Kim ve Dis Tic Ltd StiTurkeyWastewater Treatment Plants, Filter Press, Aeration, Biological Treatment, Package Domestic Wastewater Plants
- BacTech Environmental CorporationCanadaBioremediation of Toxic, Arsenic-Laden Mine Tailings by BACOX Bioleaching Technology, Employs Naturally-Occurring Bacteria
- Bajrang Enviro Engineers (BEE)IndiaMBBR Bio Pac Media, Coarse/Fine Bubble Disc/Tube Diffuser, Air Blowers , FRP Pressure Vessels, Wastewater Treatment Products
- Balmoral Tanks LtdUnited KingdomStorage Tanks for Potable/Non-Potable Water, Fire Fighting, Anaerobic Digestion, Biomass, Wastewater Treatment, Desalination
- Bannow Exports LtdIrelandPre-Fabricated Package Sewage Treatment Plants Suitable for Population Equivalents of 10 - 3,000 Residents
- Becon Watertech Pty LtdSouth AfricaBio-Filter RBC Sewage Treatment Plants, Potable Water Treatment with Vertical Gravity Filters and Automatic Hydraulic Backwash
- Beijing IWHR Corporation (BIC)ChinaWater Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Water Supply Projects, Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Hydraulic Elevator Dams
- Benenv Co LtdChinaWastewater Treatment & Reuse, Mobile Sludge Treatment, Pig Farm Solid Waste Treatment, Integrated Sludge Treatment Solutions
- Bio Natural Solutions Pty Ltd (BNS)AustraliaManufacture of Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products and Water Saving Devices, Bio-Bacterial Technology
- Bio Sewage Systems (BSS)South AfricaEffective and Economical Multi-Stage Sewage Treatment Systems, using a Series of Anaerobic, Anoxic and Aerobic Reactors
- Bio-Ingeniería Internacional SA de CVMexicoWastewater Treatment & Reuse: MBR, MBBR & Fixed Film Bio-Aqua Plants, Wetlands. Solar Systems. Environmental Impact Studies
- Bio-Organic Catalyst, Inc. (BOC)United StatesBio-Organic Catalysts (BOC) for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Hydrocarbon Remediation, Soil Conditioning, Non-Toxic Cleaning
- Bio-Systems Corporation Ltd (BSCL)United KingdomBacteria for Bioaugmentation, Wastewater and Slurry Treatment, Grease Traps, Composting, Nitrification, Hydrocarbons
- Bio-Systems EuropeUnited KingdomBiological Waste Treatment Products that Remove Contamination from Waste Water, Brownfield Sites and Air Emissions
- BioAzul SLSpainPortfolio of Tailored Industrial & Urban Wastewater Treatment, Humidification and Energy Efficiency Systems
- BioBasic EnvironnementFranceEnvironmental Engineering and Soil Rehabilitation by Bioremediation Systems
- BioCell Environmental Technology Co LtdChinaMBBR Media, Media Screen, Coarse Bubble Diffuser, Traveling Band screen, Biocell Mini Plant
- Biochar Supreme, LLCUnited StatesOrganic Biochar for Water and Soil Cleanup (Heavy Metals, Petrochemicals, Nutrients) and an OMRI Listed Agriculture Product
- Bioclear Earth bvNetherlandsImplementing Biotechnology based Solutions for Soil, Air and Water Pollution and in Industrial Processes
- BioDAF Water Technology SA de CVMexicoSpecialized in the Development of Advanced Technology for the Treatment of All Types of Produced Wastewater & Landfill Leachate
- BioDalia Microbiological Technologies LtdIsraelMicrobial Biopesticides, Contract Manufacture, Biodegradation of Contaminants in Industrial Wastewater, Enzymes
- Bioesteres de México SA de CVMexicoWastewater Treatment, Biogas Generation, Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems, Electricity Generation from Biomass
- BioFuture Ltd (BFL)IrelandMicrobial Products for Applications including Wastewater Treatment, Septic Tanks, Grease Traps and Soil Bioremediation
- BiogasLab Ambiental LtdaBrazilEffluent Treatment Consulting, Anaerobic/Aerobic Respirometry Analyzes, Biodegradability & Toxicity, Methanogenic Activity Tests
- BioGill Operations Pty LtdAustraliaBiotechnology that Combines Science and Nature to Offer Affordable Food and Beverage Processing Wastewater Treatment
- BioKlar LtdFranceDistributors of BioKlar Sewage Treatment Plants, Septic Tanks & Micro Station d'épuration in France & Worldwide
- BioLynceusUnited StatesBio-Augmentation for Water & Soils, Remediation of Hydro-Carbons, Wastewater Treatment, Algae Treatment, Organic Treatments
- Biomicrobe Teknologi IndonesiaIndonesiaEquipment Supplier for Water & Wastewater Treatment Systems, Aerators, MBR, Bacteria to Biodegrade Organic Pollutants
- BioMicrobics, Inc.United StatesManufacturer of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse Systems, and Greywater & Stormwater Treatment Systems & Products
- Bionetix InternationalCanadaBiological Digestants, Agricultural Soil Amendment, Wastewater Treatment, Soil Bioremediation, Industrial Cleaning, Aquaculture
- BiophysicaCanadaProvide Consulting Services, Water Disinfection Ionizers, Safe Antimicrobial Technology, Water Softeners & Descalers
- Bioproyectos Costa Rica SACosta RicaBiological Products for Water Treatment & Soil Bioremediation, Advisory, Design & Construction of Wastewater Treatment Plants
- BioSeptic Pty LtdAustraliaAerated Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS) Recycles Wastewater into Clear Odourless Water for Use on Lawn and Garden
- Biosol Pty LtdAustraliaSewage Odour and Corrosion Control, Better Control than Magnesium Hydroxide Liquid and Ferrous Chloride
- Biotech ServicesIndiaBioaugmentation, Sewage Treatment Plant, Electrocoagulation, Aerobic Unit Septic Tanks, Compact Sewage Treatment, Air Sterlizers
- BioVizyon Enerji Gida Sanayi ve Dis Tic Ltd StiTurkeyProviding Technical and Management Consulting in Renewable Energy, Agriculture and the Development of Biofuel Projects
- BiOWiSH Technologies, Inc.United StatesAdvanced Microbial Solutions for a Wide Range of Diverse Applications
- BlueStream Environmental Technology Pty LtdSouth AfricaProduces Biodegradable Water Dispersant, Green Degreasers, In-Situ Hydrocarbon Bioremediation, Drain and Greasetrap Cleaning
- Bluewater Bio Ltd (BwB)United KingdomProvides Wastewater Treatment Solutions for Municipal and Commercial Clients, Hybrid Activated Sludge Process, Media
- Blumberg EngineersGermanyEcological Engineering, Reed Bed Treatment, Green Wetland Roofs, Floating Islands, Lake Restoration, Constructed Wetlands
- Bondalti Water Solutions, SASpainTreatment & Purification of Industrial Waters, Plant Operation, Analytical Control, Inspection of Discharges, Sludge Management
- Brentwood Europe sroCzech RepublicEngineering & Manufacture Trickling Filter, Bio Media, Tube Settler, Lamellas, Scrapers, IFAS, USBF
- Brightwork BVNetherlandsContinuous Sand Filtration, Tilted Plate Separation, Coagulation, Flocculation, Biofiltration, Process Water
- Butler Manufacturing Services Ltd (BMS)IrelandPackage Sewage Treatment Plants, Surface Water Management, Interceptors, Washwater Recycling, Pump Stations, Attenuation
Listings A.-AS | AS-BU | CA-EN | EN-GR | GR-LA | LA-PA | PA-ST | SU-WA | WA-WR Total 416 Entries