Industrial Effluent Recycling
- AquaSoil Srl (AQS)ItalyWastewater Reuse, Sludge Treatment, Water Disinfection, Phyto-Dehydration Beds, Lamellar Pack Settlers, Hydrogeology
- AquaSwiss AGSwitzerlandMulti Effect Distillation (MED), Mechanical Vapor Compression (MVC), Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD), Reverse Osmosis (RO)
- Aquatec VFL sroSlovakiaProduction of Residential Wastewater Treatment Plants with VFL Technology for Houses and Municipalities
- Aquatech International LLCUnited StatesThermal & Membrane Desalination, Zero Liquid Discharge, Wastewater Recycle & Reuse, High Efficiency Reverse Osmosis, Evaporation
- Aquatic BioScience, LLCUnited StatesManufacture/Blend High Strength Enzyme Producing Bacillus Bacteria Strains for Wastewater, Septic, Aqua-Culture and Odor Control
- Aquatreat Environmental Products LtdUnited KingdomDesign, Engineering and Products for Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems - Aeration, Sludge Thickening, Dewatering and Drying
- Argal srlItalyProducer of Pumps for many Industrial Sectors: FRP Pumps, Thermoplastic Centrifugal and Sump Pumps, AODD Pumps
- Aries Chemical, Inc.United StatesSpecializes in Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals, Equipment and Services
- Arionex LTLithuaniaTechnologies for Treatment of Water, Condensates & Waste Water, Equipment Design, Manufacture, Installation, Start-Up & Support
- Arnym Eco Green Pvt LtdIndiaConsultancy and Project Execution for RO Plants, UF, DM, Softener, UV, Sewage, Effluent, Grey Water Treatment Plants, Chemicals
- Artas Endüstriyel Tesisler Taahhüt ve Ticaret ASTurkeyWater Treatment and Conditioning, Wastewater Treatment, Gas Treatment, Solid Waste and Biogas Management
- Arvind Envisol LtdIndiaWater Treatment, Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Sewage Treatment and Zero Liquid Discharge Solutions
- Ash Environmemtal Technologies LtdIrelandSewage/Wastewater Decentralised Treatment and Re-Use, Commercial and Industrial Pressure Drip Distribution and Discharge Licence
- Ashora Associate (a Concern of Ashora Group)BangladeshWater & Wastewater Treatment Plants, Turnkey Bottle Water Plant, EPC, BOOT, BOT
- Asio, spol sroCzech RepublicWastewater Treatment, Water Treatment, Air Treatment, Energy and RES, Greywater, Cyanobacteria Removal Techniques
- Aster Bio, Inc.United StatesEnvironmental Genomics - Molecular DNA Testing of Environmental Cultures - & Advanced Bioaugmentation Products
- ATB Water GmbHGermanySequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Wastewater Treatment Plants - Domestic, Municipal and Industrial
- Axine Water TechnologiesCanadaA New Standard for Treating Toxic, Recalcitrant Organic Pollutants in Pharmaceutical, Chemical and other Industrial Wastewater
- Ayala Water & Ecology LtdIsraelSustainability Experts Specialized for over 30 Years in Nature Based Solutions, Reversing Climate Change Effects
- Aykosan Mühendislik Aritma Ins Mak Kim ve Dis Tic Ltd StiTurkeyWastewater Treatment Plants, Filter Press, Aeration, Biological Treatment, Package Domestic Wastewater Plants
- B&P Water Technologies srlItalyDesign and Supply of Reverse Osmosis Units and Domestic & Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Ballam Waterslot Pty LtdSouth AfricaSpecialise in the Design, Manufacture and Supply of Septic Tanks, On-Site Sewage Treatment Plants, Rain Water Harvesting
- Balmoral Tanks LtdUnited KingdomStorage Tanks for Potable/Non-Potable Water, Fire Fighting, Anaerobic Digestion, Biomass, Wastewater Treatment, Desalination
- Bauer International Philippines Inc.PhilippinesWater & Wastewater Treatment Plants, Reverse Osmosis System, Dissolved Air Flotation, Membrane Bio-Reactor & SBR Technology
- Beckart Environmental, Inc.United StatesProvides High Performance, Cost-Efficient, Turnkey Industrial Wastewater Treatment Systems for a Variety of Industries
- Beijing IWHR Corporation (BIC)ChinaWater Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Water Supply Projects, Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Hydraulic Elevator Dams
- Beijing Tri-High Membrane Technology CoChinaTri-High UF Membranes made of PS with Special V-Shape Pore and Good Anti-Fouling, Flux Recovery, High Flux, Long Lifetime
- Benenv Co LtdChinaWastewater Treatment & Reuse, Mobile Sludge Treatment, Pig Farm Solid Waste Treatment, Integrated Sludge Treatment Solutions
- Berghof MembranesNetherlandsTubular Membranes, Chemical Resistant, Backwashable Membranes, Membrane Skids, MBR, AnMBR, Direct Filtration, HyperFlux Modules
- beroplan GmbHGermanyTurn-Key and Customized Pervaporation / Vapor Permeation Systems, Micro-, Ultra-, Nanofiltration, RO, Electrodialysis
- Best Technology, Inc.United StatesPrecision Ultrasonic Cleaning, Electropolishing and Passivation Systems: Conserve Water, Reduce Energy Consumption
- Beta Pramesti AsiaIndonesiaEPC - Water and Wastewater Treatment, Reverse Osmosis, Demineralizers, Ultrafiltration, Desalination, MBR
- Better (Xiamen) Power Technology Co LtdChinaTurn-Key Battery Making Facilities & Assembly Lines, Evaporating Crystallization, Acid Liquid Recycling, Acid Fume Scrubbers
- BGR Energy Systems LtdIndiaMembrane based (RO, UF, NF) Water Purification and Recycling Plants, incl. Sea Water Desalination and Demineralization Plants
- BI PureWater Inc.CanadaPackaged Treatment Plants, Sediment Removal & Dewatering, Filtration, UV & Chlorination Equipment, RO & Desalination Systems
- Bio Clean Jetting LtdUnited KingdomCleaning and High Pressure Jetting Services, Drainage and Vacuum Tanker Service
- Bio-Aqua A/SDenmarkWastewater Treatment Plants, Containerized WWT Systems, Drinking Water Systems, Water Recycling, Disinfection, Sludge Dewatering
- Bio-Bubble Technologies LtdUnited KingdomWastewater Treatment Systems for Municipal, Industrial, Commercial and Domestic Applications
- BioAzul SLSpainPortfolio of Tailored Industrial & Urban Wastewater Treatment, Humidification and Energy Efficiency Systems
- Bioclear Sdn BhdMalaysiaSewage and Wastewater Treatment Systems, Environmental Monitoring Instruments
- BioDAF Water Technology SA de CVMexicoSpecialized in the Development of Advanced Technology for the Treatment of All Types of Produced Wastewater & Landfill Leachate
- BioDalia Microbiological Technologies LtdIsraelMicrobial Biopesticides, Contract Manufacture, Biodegradation of Contaminants in Industrial Wastewater, Enzymes
- Bioesteres de México SA de CVMexicoWastewater Treatment, Biogas Generation, Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems, Electricity Generation from Biomass
- BioFuture Ltd (BFL)IrelandMicrobial Products for Applications including Wastewater Treatment, Septic Tanks, Grease Traps and Soil Bioremediation
- BiogasLab Ambiental LtdaBrazilEffluent Treatment Consulting, Anaerobic/Aerobic Respirometry Analyzes, Biodegradability & Toxicity, Methanogenic Activity Tests
- BioGill Operations Pty LtdAustraliaBiotechnology that Combines Science and Nature to Offer Affordable Food and Beverage Processing Wastewater Treatment
- Biomicrobe Teknologi IndonesiaIndonesiaEquipment Supplier for Water & Wastewater Treatment Systems, Aerators, MBR, Bacteria to Biodegrade Organic Pollutants
- Bioseptic Waterindo Abadi (BWA)IndonesiaSewage Treatment Plant (STP), Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) - Design, Built, O&M
- Bluewater Bio LtdUnited KingdomHigh Efficiency & Performance Multimedia Filtration Technology, Low Cost Alternative to Sand & Dual Media
- Bluewater Bio Ltd (BwB)United KingdomProvides Wastewater Treatment Solutions for Municipal and Commercial Clients, Hybrid Activated Sludge Process, Media
Listings 3R-AQ | AQ-BL | BL-DU | DU-EP | ER-H+ | H2-JO | KA-NE | NE-PR | PU-SI | SI-TU | UE-WA | WA-ZI Total 572 Entries